Walk and wade fishing

Walk and wade or sight fishing is the most common type of guided trout fishing in this area. It is more like hunting rather than fishing as we search the likely looking clean clear water for feeding trout. We make a plan, select your fly and hopefully make an accurate cast! . This is an exhilarating and very satisfying way to fish as on most occasions the fish is watched as it moves towards the fly, mouth opening and taking the fly….. Game on!
Because these back country rivers do not generally hold large volumes of trout, time is best spent fishing to sighted fish although at times certain areas of water just looks “to fishy” to walk past and a cast or two may be advised.
What these rivers do not have in quantity certainly make up for in quality with a good mixture of browns and rainbows on average in the 3lb to 6lb range and of course the real opportunity of hooking a lot larger fish from time to time.
The majority of our walk and wade trips will focus on classic dry fly fishing especially in our summer months of Dec, Jan , Feb and also into March but nymphs will be used if the fish are lying low and not looking up or actively nymphing on occasions.
The warmer summer months brings the terrestrials. Beetles, hoppers, blowflies and the famed New Zealand Cicada.
There are many cicada species from the large green bush cicadas to the small olive and beige tussock variety so a good selection in your fly box is recommended . It is well documented that when trout are zoned in on these tasty morsels just how far they will move for them. Sometimes moving from the depths to the surface or on occasions from one side of the river to the other to intercept your fly.
In my opinion it is hard to beat standing in a beautiful bush clad, gin clear mountain stream. Casting to large ,wild trout while the cicadas sing around you. Heaven!
We use comfortable 4wd vehicles or helicopter to access these back country rivers and they are usually within .5 – 1.5hrs drive. We can also supply you with all the gear you might need . 5wt and 6wt rods , flies , leader and tippet and also waders. However we do reccommend you bring your own gear if practical , especially wading boots as it makes your day a little more comfortable if you wearing your own boots.
We still have plenty of dates available for the coming New Zealand summer of 2016 /2017 so please make an inquiry if you are interested. We will be happy to answer any questions and give you a prompt reply.